Lead Nurturing Process

September 19, 20224 min read

Lead nurturing is a growth strategy for the brands by which they follow up with their leads with the goal of making them lifetime customers, which is usually done through automated messages, emails, calls, social media ads, blogs etc. Nurturing is a powerful marketing strategy used by companies worldwide, which is a process of reconnecting with the leads, with the intention to convert the leads into customers and maintain a good relationship with them.

Nurturing is a task that should be done with the utmost effort, as it focuses on those people who have shown some interest in your brand by signing up or by performing any actions on your lead campaigns either way. Lead nurturing is significant because most people don’t purchase at the first interaction with your brand, even though they take an effort to sign up or give their personal information, it may take multiple attempts before they consider buying or actually buy from you.

The continuous nurturing of leads is very important for convincing the leads for the growth of your business. Some of the most effective strategies any business should be following in the nurturing process are as follows:

Educate, educate, educate & Sell

You should conduct a campaign to give awareness about your brand. People are not easily aligned to a new brand unless it has the potential or without being impressed with your marketing tactics. The goal is to let your brand stay in people’s minds for a long time. Unless you want your brand to be just an introduction and a forgotten one, you should have a great marketing campaign that educates people about your brand well and leaves an impression on their minds.


Surveys are the metrics that are not mere numbers, but something that shows you how far your company has come and how much growth it has attained so far. It also helps you understand your lead better, the things such as where your lead is standing and what actions they have taken. Surveys should be taken frequently to know the growth metrics of your company.

Before lead nurturing, you must know your customers better, based on the demographics, so that the campaign reaches the right audience. Make an analysis of your leads like who has taken what type of action: It can be those who simply signed up, those who gave their personal information out, like age contact number, email id, gender, and the region as such, and it can be those who took further action to purchase the product to become potential customers. By taking a survey, you can make further strategies on nurturing the signed-up leads to be your potential customers and also could follow up with the previous customers to make them buy again.  

Add value

You should know the value of your leads and understand that each and every lead is so valuable; therefore treat them with utmost care and make things easier for them. Know that each lead is capable of bringing revenue to you so your marketing practices should also be tuned to it.

Offers and on-sale tags are quite attractive but you must have an added value to your brand too. Some companies lower the price just to attract more customers; but, make sure the lowering of the price shouldn’t compromise the quality of your product. As long as you know the value of your product, focus on the customers who need it; besides, giving something very cheap will incite doubt among customers who look for quality over price.

Another important thing to be noticed in marketing is to create a time frame for your products since people tend to have an attraction towards urgency; the terms such as ‘only a few numbers left’ would create an urgency among them to purchase. Ecommerce usually uses this tactic, which is also a psychological move, of adding the countdown timer with the product that gives a sense of tenacity among the people to buy it before they are sold out.  

Build trust

Understand your customers and make them trust your service by keeping them engaged with your brand. Succeed in turning them into lifetime customers for your brand. Guide and assist them with proper replies, and answer their email as well as any other queries they are raising. Get maximum trust from your customers by making them clear about the benefits and risk-free factors like return policies.

Don’t let previous customers go into oblivion about your brand. Keep a balance with the customers, and get new subscribers while nurturing the old ones.

Give offer

The word ‘offer’ is the biggest strategy in marketing that works everywhere and for anything. People are most likely to go for the products with sales and offers on the tags. It doesn’t matter if the brand is big or small, giving offers and having giveaways of your products increase engagement. When people see an offer on a product, it creates a feeling in their minds of getting it at cheap or affordable rates. Therefore such simple marketing techniques really work to sell your products.

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