Every company needs a dedicated team to handle every department properly. To generate leads, having a creative professional marketing team is necessary. To close the deals, there needs a sales team. For handling operations, there has to be an operations team. All successful companies have their right team who does things very dedicatedly.
A business automation and digital marketing team should have project managers, automation specialists, graphic designers, content writers, strategists, social media managers, front end developers etc. All these people are needed to hold responsibility and should depend on each other for the smooth running of the automation processes and thus the company.
Team requirement planning
The most important challenge when you begin a startup is to build the dream team who could work together towards the goal your company has set. Finding the right individuals is a task that should be carried out carefully. Most important thing is you should set the requirements and hire based on that. Some of the common requirements are to:
● Know your business needs and hire individuals for your team accordingly. Don’t compromise on proficiency and number as each area requires different skill sets.
● Building good relationships with customers is critical.
● Create a better workplace and environment for your employees and treat them well.
● Attract them with rewards like bonuses and appreciate their hard work.
● A company where its employees leave often is like a failure inside itself. Make them last for a long time with sincerity and appreciation on your part.
● Provide paid internships that would attract so many energetic young talents.
● Hire people to work remotely without limit on locations instead of having employees working only at the physical workplace. Thereby, you can also decrease various costs to be held for an office place.
● Make work experience the second or third criterion while hiring. Instead hire those who could have the same vision, ideas or those who can sync with you.
Roles & Skills required
Companies need to be strategic about the different marketing roles to be fulfilled while recruiting. Every company would have different designations and duties, they are assigned to the individuals depending upon their skill set. While recruiting people for your company, you should have a clear idea of what you require.
Some of the key job roles in marketing are, web manager, e-commerce manager, marketing executive, content manager, CRM manager, analytics manager, marketing director, social media manager, web designer, digital director, SEO specialist, product marketing director, project manager, social media coordinator, advertising manager, graphic designer etc. Based on how big your company is, you can incorporate some of the roles together, and even sometimes, assign different roles to a single person. Note that the job titles may change with the evolution happening in marketing. Some roles may be deducted and some roles would be added as marketing requires constant alterations.
● Divide the individuals into different teams to carry out the tasks designated to them.
● The team should have good marketers who know the customers well, which could bring better results.
● Finding talented individuals with wide skills and creativity is a must to build your dream team.
While coming to automation, there needs to be an expert who knows the automation processes well and who can design strategies for automation. The other team members recommended to be included in the team are one executive who can execute the automation and one person who can monitor the workflows and executions. The expert needs to work more with other managers and the top-level management.
Designations and duties
Today, finding numerous employees for the same designation is much easier than in earlier days. You can find job seekers everywhere on job sites, social media etc. But hiring the right individuals is mandatory to avoid future tensions. It is just a matter of finding the right fit for the designated role from the numerous candidates.
Nowadays individuals create and join communities on digital platforms to bring together people with similar interests and skills which also makes it easier for employers to target them while posting a job ad. For example, if you want to hire a content writer, you can search on one of those communities for content writers on the sites like Facebook, Reddit etc, you can simply connect with them and choose the right fit by looking at the ratings for their previous works. You can also post your ads on ad platforms targeting the customers with your required skill sets.
Task automation
Task automation has become a regular pattern which does automated tasks for businesses. The tasks range from daily activities to pre-scheduled activities for a year or so. Task automation helps you to save your time, money, effort etc which would be systematic, punctual, work all the time and even would do follow-ups.
Even if you forget, the automation won't forget to keep up with the time. Instead of manually posting numerous times through email automation, posting using automation software is becoming the most convenient form of marketing. It would also do a constant follow-up on leads in the future too without your reminding.
Every task delegation requires frequent evaluation and metrics to learn the growth and progress they have made altogether, which helps them to find what is lacking in order to make changes to do better. The reporting dashboard can help you see the overall progress, which will thus support you in taking the improvement steps. The reporting process needs to be automated.