Mistakes to avoid in Business Automation

August 27, 20222 min read

Business Automation is an ambitious process, but there are chances of making these mistakes if you don’t take the right approach. Let’s read through it.

  1. Not knowing what to automate

 A big mistake that you should avoid in Business Automation is not knowing what you’re trying to automate. Organizations will sometimes invest in automation because it is getting popular in market. While this is not wrong and it will strengthen your competitive position, still it’s essential to understand why you need automation and what you need to automate; so you don’t end up automating the wrong processes.

  1. Automating large independent tasks 

  Businesses end up automating large, independent tasks and processes, which is where they go wrong. When many such large tasks are automated, they become hard to merge later. Don’t do it.  Instead, divide large tasks into short parts and automate these small parts over time. It may appear to be a lot of work, but it is the ideal method. It will help you modify part by part without affecting the whole structure.

  1. Eliminating the human element

 Even though business automation automates tasks, you cannot remove the human element from your team.  Don’t forget the fact that business is between humans, not bots. Strategic automation paired with thoughtful human input increases output. Every automation should be supervised by a human for its effectiveness and error-free execution.

  1. Investing in automation without calculating  ROI

 Before investing in automation, you must be aware of the following factors: 

  • Cost of the tool.

  • Cost of implementation.

  • The returns from the result.

  • The running cost.

  • Employees training and development cost.

  • The efficiency of training. 

  1.  Unrealistic expectations

 Business Automation setup takes time, so prioritize your implementation based on your company’s goals. Define the workflow that aligns with your goals and implement it at a reasonable pace. Implement in stages, and you will use it more.  Make sure that you have researched, planned correctly and made workflow diagrams or documentation before implementation.

Business AutomationAutomationsubilalkgigpreneurBusiness Automation, Subilal K , Mistakes in business automation
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I am a Business Automation Coach and a Digital Marketing Trainer. My mission is to help Entrepreneurs to achieve freedom by automating their business processes.

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