A customer journey map is a graphical representation of every interaction your consumer makes with your service, brand, or product. The design of a journey map places you directly in the thoughts of the consumer. It allows you to understand where you are falling short, what you are doing well, and where you may grow throughout the client lifecycle.
A journey map lays out all of your customer's touchpoints with your brand. It points out from how they first heard about you– through social media or brand advertising, to their direct interactions with your product– through the website or your team. It also includes all of the actions your customer takes to complete an objective at a time.
Customer journey maps enable better customer experiences.
Customer journey maps pave the way for your customers to better achieve their goals.
Provide much-needed context for your business.
Adopt a customer-oriented, outside-in perspective
Create a customer-centric culture.
Lifetime Value Calculation is the process by which a business measures the value of a customer to the business through the customer’s full lifespan. Customer Lifetime Value, or LTV, is one of the metrics used to assess a company's growth.
The most basic formula for calculating customer lifetime value is the average order total multiplied by the average number of transactions made each year multiplied by the average retention time in years.
LTV = Average Purchase Value * Average Purchase Frequency * Average Customer Lifespan
Factors influencing LTV are– Firstly, Churn rate that describes how frequently people stop shopping from your business; those were loyal customers once. Secondly, that measures how loyal the customers are to the brand and who keeps buying their goods and services. A company can influence the customer experience by Optimizing onboarding, effective communication, implementing a loyalty program, and retargeting if needed. You can increase client lifetime value by enhancing the customer experience.
Customer journey mapping is a combination of creativity and insight. Customer journey map design can vary depending on the business, product, or service. There are some basic steps to take while designing a client journey map, as given below.
Set the objectives for the map.
Before creating the map, you should consider- why are you doing it?
What are the goals? For whom?
The scope of the customer journey map can range from a high-level map that reflects the entire experience to a more detailed map that focuses on single customer interaction.
Create your personas and define their goals.
After conducting research, getting valuable customer feedback is through questionnaires and user testing. Create customer persona accordingly.
Highlight your target customer personas.
A customer journey map records the experience of an individual customer who follows a specified path with your business. If you group many personas into one map, it won’t effectively reflect customer experience. Therefore, it's better to start with the most common customer persona and examine the path they'd follow if they were engaging with your company.
Find all the touchpoints.
Touchpoints are all the places on your website where your customers can interact with you. Based on your research, make a list of all the touchpoints your customers and prospects are now using. Also, include the ones you believe should be used if there is no overlap. Understanding touchpoints is a tool that can assist you in understanding the ease and goals of customer journeys. It allows you to see what actions your customers are taking. Is it safe to assume that they will turn away and leave your site sooner if they use fewer touchpoints than expected? If customers use more than expected, this implies that your website is complicated and requires users to take multiple steps to reach their goals.
Sketch the journey.
Put together all the information you have and sketch a journey in a format of step-by-step interaction. Each phase depicts a persona's interaction with a service/product or another person. Visualize your customer's journey. You can either customise or use a pre-designed customer journey map template.
Validate and refine user journey.
Journey maps should result in truthful narratives, not fairy tales. Use the information from usability testing sessions and app analytics to be sure that your journey resembles an actual use case. After thorough analysis and review, make the necessary changes.